- This event has passed.
OHSAA Officials – Renew your permits!
June 5, 2022 - July 15, 2022
Deadline to Renew Without a Late Fee: June 30
Deadline to Renew WITH $50 Late Fee: July 15
Officials returning after not officiating for a year or more: Go to: OHSAA > Officiating > Become an Official > Inactive Officials Wanting to Return to Active Status
Questions? Email Charles Anderson at canderson@ohsaa.org
Renewal Summary
- Starting June 1, login to myOHSAA at http://officials.myohsaa.org/Logon to renew your permit. You may renew using a credit card or by entering your bank account information. Renewal fees are $60 for the first sport and $30 for each additional sport when completed prior to midnight ET on the date listed above.
- A $50 late fee will be charged for renewals completed after midnight ET of the deadline to renew without a late fee date outlined in the table above.
- Permits must be renewed by midnight ET on the date listed in the Deadline to Renew Without a Late Fee column in the table above to remain active and avoid a late fee.
- You will be prompted to review and update your myOHSAA profile with any mailing address changes to ensure that all OHSAA mailings, including rule books, are received.
- While we have made very limited exceptions prior to the pandemic by allowing officials to renew in-person, we will not accept any in-person renewals this year. All renewals must be completed online through myOHSAA.
- Officials with a permit in multiple seasons may choose to renew each sport at separate times while still receiving the additional sport fee reduction. An official will receive the additional sport fee reduction throughout the year, but the late fee will still apply to the prescribed timelines.
- Renewing a permit does not provide or imply a guarantee of OHSAA officiating assignments in the season renewed. There will be no refunds or transfers of officiating fees to the following school year in the event that the sport season is cancelled.
Forgot your MyOHSAA Password?
Click on the “Forgot Login” link at the login screen and enter your permit number provided above to have your username and a link to reset your password emailed to you. If you can no longer access the email address on your profile, contact our office at officiating@ohsaa.org or 614-267-2502, ext. 123 ASAP. Please leave a voicemail if no one answers and your call will be returned as soon as possible. Do not wait until the renewal deadline to make sure you have access to your account!!
Concussion certification is good for 3 years
If your certification has expired, you must recertify and enter your certification information in myOHSAA prior to being able to renew your permit. If you need assistance renewing your concussion certification, please view this step-by-step resource: https://www.ohsaa.org/Portals/0/Officiating/forms/ConcussionTrainingWalkthrough.pdf
If you are having problems with the renewal process, you can view login troubleshooting at http://www.ohsaa.org/Portals/0/Officiating/InstructionsLogin.pdf?ver=2017-05-30-153544-157 and email verification troubleshooting at http://www.ohsaa.org/Portals/0/Officiating/Instructions-Verify-Email.pdf?ver=2017-05-30-153543-730
Please note, if you change your email prior to renewing your permit, you must complete the email verification process for that change to be reflected on your myOHSAA account.
Payments after the June 30 deadline to renew without a late fee will not be accepted without the additional $50 late fee. The last possible date to renew your permit, with the late fee, is July 15.